Yay, finally got to lvl 21, i dont really like this icon tho... but itll have to do.
Ans about Spore: Regardless of all the naysayers, Spore is a very good game. Ive only made it to the Civilization part so far... but im almost to the Galactic stage and so far the entire game has been fun...
If i had to rate all the different stages of the game in order from funnest to least funnest it would be:
Cell > (Space??) > Civilization > Tribe > Creature.
The Cell stage is undoubtebly the best funnest out of all of them. Creature stage is boring to me, what with the finding every 40+ parts and the lies upon lies to the neighboring creatures... but thats just me. All in all, the game is very good and i DEMAND you to buy it.
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