2146 9144 7779 6988 is mine, send me urs by PM, and then we cna do all that stuff
Just another talentless, 2-bit, wannabe animator with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and who will probably never amount to anything on this website. That doesn't mean I cant still try!
Age 33, Male
Enchanter / Alchemy
Right behind you...
Joined on 3/28/07
2146 9144 7779 6988 is mine, send me urs by PM, and then we cna do all that stuff
Ill send u my friend code once i get mine tomorrow :(
That's metal gear solid pick, but then again, Snake is in SSBB
Yeah, but its from SSBB.
Ok. oh, are you English or American? England have to wait ages.
If by "American" You mean from the good ol' US of A then yes, yes i am.
Yeah... people in the UK have to wait forever ;P
I don't even know what or how i get a friend code or wifi and stuff.
You can only see your friend code if you get online with whatever wifi game you have.
you need a wireless router to get online.
its funny because all of my friends (exept me since i got the stupid idea of buying it over the internet) already have it SINCE MARCH 2... its crazy, specially since we all live in MEXICO, and not even in mexico city! you all should have it already lol
Chaz-o (Updated )
Omg lucky... it doesnt come out till march 9th :(
All the stores out here have had it for about a week now but arent allowed to sell them until then.
I should stab you in the neck.