Ive been very bored lately... so bored that I actually drew something in flash...
Its the final boss from Kirby 64....
Just another talentless, 2-bit, wannabe animator with no redeeming qualities whatsoever and who will probably never amount to anything on this website. That doesn't mean I cant still try!
Age 33, Male
Enchanter / Alchemy
Right behind you...
Joined on 3/28/07
Posted by Chaz-o - March 21st, 2008
Finally... my 15 days of waiting is over. I can now submit flashes again :D
I swear from this day forward, i will NEVER get banned from submitting flashes again.... unless Tom decides to change the rules again, then im screwed. :'(
Also: Need ideas for new flash. AND my SSBB friend code is 5284-1100-3118 so ADD ME.
Posted by Chaz-o - March 19th, 2008
Im kinda bored right now and i need something to do for the rest of my spring break.
Give me some ideas for a new flash because im really too bored to think at the moment.
I miss actually animating.
Also: if you have SSBB add me to your friend roster, my friend code is 5284-1100-3118
Posted by Chaz-o - March 9th, 2008
And i have to say, its EVERYTHING its been hyped-up to be.
And my Friend code is the same.. i guess it doesnt change with different discs and only with wiis... My friend code is : 5284-1100-3118 so ADD ME
Also: Apparently, my flashes are SO good that i even have an admirer who was "kind" enough to create a tribute flash to me and my greatness.