Just got home after a long and incredibly fun two days at the Anime Expo and I'm EXHAUSTED.
Heres some of the things I did in my time there, prepare for a wall of text:
Bought a bunch of cool toys, trinkets and other cool objects as souvenirs, gifts, and pieces to cool costumes. Some of the awesome stuff I got includes toys such as an awesome Chain-Chomp doll, a bunch of T-shirts, Plastic Guns, New dvds of different Animes ive been waiting for, and a FANTABULOUS NEW HAT THAT I LOVE AND WILL WEAR EVERY DAY FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.
Met and saw a bunch of interesting people who had dressed up as some of their favorite characters. Most were nice. Some of the more awesome costumes were Many many awesome looking Naruto characters (Which i do not know their names), Scouts, engineers, and Spys from TF2, Bartholomew Kuma from One Piece, Pedo Bear, a Youtube video, Gannondorf, and many MANY more that I cant really remember. Heres a small video of some of the cool costumes I saw.
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Next year, I plan on dressing up as some random character. Probably something simple like a class from TF2 or as a generic member of Anon, because its so simple. I might even have to cosplay for the Comic-Con in a few weeks (which I will also attend). But it is certain that I will dress up for one of them.
Also, one of the cool things they had there was the Console Gaming Room, which obviously allows people to play popular console games with other people. Of couse, they had SSBB, and of course, I had to play. Pretty good people there, but very few were a match for my might. With that said, I won many games, I won so much, people were cheering me on as I played and people even saluted my prowess with DDD. Of course, I didnt win them all, because Im not perfect and Im prone to screwing up horribly, but still, it was a cool experience to play against such people.
I also met a bunch of famous people, some internet friends, and some internet idols of mine (Of which I were too afraid to introduce myself to, but instead admired from afar). Among the people were a bunch of famous Anime voice actors whom I dont feel like listing, a few people from the interwebs that I know including Sonicmega , and a few others. So yeah, that was cool too.
Only one bad thing happened during my stay at the expo which I regret, I forgot to bring a camera for pictures and videos... so I couldnt get any cool shots of me with all the awesome people.
In other news... Ive also been working on a fantastic flash that is sure to do good., it it is completely NOT garbage. Yeah... so watch out.
TL;DR Version: Anime-Expo was fun, Ill probably go again next year, and Im also going to the Comic-con in a few weeks.
Until then, toodles. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE.